I'm sorry if the English grammar or style is not perfect in this article, but I've written it in 2016:
Á. F. - Advice to poor, but talented people in 7 points
1. Working as an employee and salary earned by only meeting working time requirements is usually not as enjoyable as work where we can get from the fruits of success in proportion of the invested energy, so the task means a challenge. At employees of fixed working time there is usually no constant motivation for better performance, as the success of the company does not always mean the personal success of the employee, and this means more of an obligation than an opportunity. In this form, a person cannot really use his/her brain, and even if he/she uses it, he/she usually does not make decisions, so his/her human dignity can be rarely perfect. The employer usually makes the conditions of working contract himself/herself, and in many cases, as people need money, the employer applies people with conditions too bad for them, for which only the law could make a limit, but even lawmakers could not think about everything. However, it might happen that some employers go even further, and they use the bad conditions of working contract, like confidentiality (compulsory keeping of secrets) for their own purposes of breaking the law easier, so they can have more money to finance their entertainment. Thus a need appears to provide better and more enjoyable working conditions for the poor. What can be the solution for this? Árpád Fekete's program (or Fekete Árpád's, denoted as Á. F. in the title):
2. Working time as an employee is worth reducing to 30 hours per week or below (as, for example, it was done in Sweden), and only the minimal goals, survival and secure, calculable income should be earned by this, and the other parts of income need not come from this. For more certain conditions of living and to avoid the stress coming from uncertainty about it, it is good if there are fixed basic wages, which in our case can mean the salary coming from 30 hours of work per week. At the same time, the time for relaxation and/or family life should be increased, so that every people can be well-educated, healthy, relaxed and comparatively happy, etc. E.g. in the 19th century women often did mainly housework only.
3. However, we cannot always relax either, so if the fixed working time will be only 30 hours per week, then some time shall remain for something else. In this time we can do work born from our own decisions, and if work is born from our own decisions, then it can be interpreted as a challenge and it can give joy, as success usually causes joy to people. It is sad that our opportunities for work to be born from our own decisions are usually limited. For such a small weekly working time it is usually not economical to make an entrepreneurship (in 2015 Hungary), but if someone will not turn to be an entrepreneur, then generally it is not really possible to sell products or services legally (in 2015 Hungary), so in many cases we have to choose alternative ways of earning money.
4. Alternative forms of making money are not coming from employment relationship, but not even from entrepreneurship. This way someone can turn to be an artist (e.g. writer, poet, painter, sculptor, composer, maybe singer, musician, dancer, actor, humorist), whose income is from the royalties (or performance fees) of his/her work (or recordings about him/her), or a sportman or sport woman, whose income comes from state support or sponsorship, and from prizes won at competitions (for which it is not always necessary to have good physique and large investment, e.g. in case of chess, bridge, darts). People can even be inventors sometimes, whose income is coming from selling the rights to their inventions, but this latter form is more connected to business life, so rich people can try it with more chance. Here, someone could also try to build some fame by creativity, many publications and communication, which makes it easier for him/her to get a better job or compete for an opportunity successfully later.
5. If only short-term money is important (and not changing careers), then there are other opportunities for it too, like free prize games (but beware of their conditions), and competitions for individuals (e.g. literature, essay, photo, video, design, programming). There may be more international competitions using the English language than national ones using e.g. Hungarian.
6. It cannot be expected that the whole population spends its free time with Arts, sports, innovation, communication, competitions or prize games, and not everyone is competent here. Thus it is reasonable to come up with the need to make it possible for the others to be able to work in such a way that is born from their own decisions, which may also be worth doing economically instead of a second job. In the old times the majority of families had own land properties, and they sowed in it anything they wanted, or in even older times, they went to hunt, for fishing, gathering (fruits) and fighting anywhere they wanted, and this kind of freedom is the need of human spirit (in contrast with the employee status). From this may come the idea that somehow it should be made legally possible for anyone to work on any kind of product or service in his/her free time he/she can legally do otherwise (however small the quantity of this time), and to sell this without the fixed high costs of entrepreneurship (that may also require full time work or loans to function). For this, one kind of solution is a political bill (a suggestion for lawmaking), which is non-trivial, by the way, so it's not easy to do it. It is not easy to make such a law because the taxation of such small works and also checking this taxation is hard. For this, social innovation might mean a solution, e.g. it came to Árpád Fekete's mind that in each village (at right times), town and city (always), there should be one or more place, at which the products or services created this way (in free time, or by any method) can be sold, and at the same time as the selling, the taxation could happen immediately in an easy way, but selling at other places could be interpreted as tax evasion, except in those cases which currently do not count as that either (e.g. selling used things not bought with the goal of commerce, i. e. not too often, or the employee and entrepreneur status we already know).
7. If there will be no political solution for the mentioned problem, then we can also imagine this:
– In the first step, gather people with similar needs, and make an organization for them, which is probably a „cooperative”, but it also depends on what the law allows and how it allows it for the people who also work 30 hours a week at another job, achieved by their own abilities of negotiating. In the worst case, making such construction is impossible, so in this case there may really be a need for a political solution, but hopefully, after consultation with legal text on the Internet, and lawyers, some kind of solution can be found to found an appropriate organization.
– Whoever has only 1-2 hours a day for a project born from his/her own decision, can enter this mentioned organization, and sell the products or services made by himself/herself through the organization. This is like a cooperative with the goal of selling things, just for different kinds of independent products and services made by different members.
- Thus this organization would be for the sole purpose of selling original work born from the workers' own decisions, for which founding an entrepreneurship is not a viable way, for the high risks or the too little number of working hours available for execution (as an average person should also work for his/her living, so he/she has not got all of his working hours available to found an entrepreneurship, unless he/she gets loans, but for the same loans the entrepreneurs of our times may be called less ethical). Through the organization, anyone could help anyone in learning, and other small services (often done) could be implemented legally, for which founding an entrepreneurship is not viable for the small expected income or the unpredictability (e.g. translation, journalism, Google Adsense, or small agricultural services), which could be listed fully in the documents of the organization as ideas, but members could come up with original ideas as well, like manufacturing new kinds of products: new Artful objects, from recycled materials or DIY products, or which are fit for presents.
- However, for this we might need to make a legal apparatus, and it may be worth spending time on making such a legal apparatus more than e.g. writing a book about Communism. This includes, for example, all of the insider rules, documents, etc. that define the cooperative or organization, and the people should also know all of the laws and pitfalls in connection with this. There were similar examples, as websites providing freelance remote work on the Internet, namely Elance and Odesk, which also made a legal apparatus, which they implemented in practice, and it succeeded quite well for them.
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